This is a follow on from a previous post to showcase the beds I make, I try to go for the comfortable look more than the animations, so I am afraid that these beds just come with basic animations in them. You can request a bed at a lower price with no animations if you wish to add your own as I have done in the past witht he use of the Akaesha Animation Panel.
The 'Mantra' bed is based on the elven/naturalistic look. The canopy is leather panels and wood curved around to offer both privacy and intimacy.
The 'Helena' is based on a bed my RL partner and I slept in while away for a quiet weekend. Something simple modern and stylish, and also extremely comfortable.
'Firefly' is named due to the green glass panels which glow in the dark. This was built as a request to a friend. It is actually the combined influence of 2 RL beds I was given photographs of and asked to come up with something that combined them both, the original bed I made was much more extravagant, this is the toned down version.
All these beds and more can be found in my store in world, or by searching the marketplace, there are some that are slightly more extravagant and others that are more simple. I haven't built a new bed in quite some time, maybe it's time to get back to it.